1.There are three things that surprised me while I was watching these videos http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/ and that is the fact that people buy into a lot of what they are saying about how they are watching us and just selling us what we want when if what they are selling isn’t what they think will be popular no-one will ever see it, another thing that surprised me was that they even tried to ask kids what they like so they can assume what all kids like, lastly what surprised me the most was all the money they spent on doing this just trying to make a buck off teenagers.
2. To respond to the quote
"So you can give them what you want them to have" (MTV Machine, 9:40) Mark Crispin-Miller, Communications Professor @ NYU
I agree completely with this I don’t think that the media or any of the big corporations trying to make products 'fitting' to kids know anything of what they’re doing at all, they seem to have a theme that they have been stuck in for a while and they don’t really want to venture out of...it seems easier for them to portray teens in s certain way then it would to actually look into who they are.
To this quote
"Makers of teen TV argue that they’re only reflecting the real world; media is just a mirror." (The Giant Feedback Loop, 6:50)
About this I would have to say no and yes. They are reflecting the world now, but they kind of started a loop and look for teens to have they gave them a feel of how they are supposed to be by putting pretty people on TV doing certain things. You could show ugly people doing the exact same things and kids would not copy them all of what they are showing is what they created. They never actually videotaped a bunch of kids life’s before they started the loop to see what they were actually like. They just assumed and now there right and it will probably be this way for a long time.
Very thoughtful answers. What do you have against punctuation? ;)